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- CARS & STARS Program Catalogue
- CARS & STARS Products Overview Microsite
- A Study for the Instructional Effectiveness of CARS and STARS
- CARS & STARS helps meet standards set by the Australian Curriculum v 9.0
- CARS Supporting Research
- STARS Supporting Research
- CARS Placement Test
- FOCUS on Reading Catalogue
- FOCUS on Reading Products Overview Microsite
- FOCUS on Reading Supporting Research
- Extensions in Reading Catalogue
- Extensions in Reading Products Overview Microsite
- Extensions in Reading Supporting Research
- CAMS STAMS & Solve Overview Flyer
- CAMS Plus, STAMS Plus, and Solve
- CAMS & STAMS Online Overview
- CAMS STAMS & Solve Flyer
- CAMS Placement Test
- CAMS & STAMS Research Summary
- A Study of the Instructional Effectiveness of CAMS & STAMS
- CAMS STAMS and the Australian Curriculum
- STAMS Interactive Whiteboard User Guide
- The STAMS Plus Five Part Lesson at a Glance
- Solve 16 Skills and Concepts
- How to Use CAMS, STAMS and SOLVE Program Presentation
- How to Use CAMS, STAMS and SOLVE Program
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- FOCUS on Mathematics Supporting Research
- Extensions in Mathematics Catalogue
- Extensions in Mathematics Supporting Research
- BRIGANCE III Early Childhood Flyer
- BRIGANCE III Early Childhood Products Overview Microsite
- BRIGANCE III Special Education Flyer
- BRIGANCE III Special Education Products Overview Microsite
- BRIGANCE III Online Management System Brochure
- BRIGANCE III Online Management System Demo Video
- BRIGANCE III Early Childhood Product Sampler
- BRIGANCE III Early Childhood Screens Research Base
- BRIGANCEĀ III Early Childhood Screens Standardisation and Validation Research Highlights
- BRIGANCEĀ III IED Standardised Research Base
PHONICS for Reading