Frequently Asked Questions

  • How is the freight calculated?

    Freight is calculated based on the weight of the order and the respective postcodes for accurate and fair pricing.

  • How long will it take for my order to be delivered?

    Typically, orders are delivered within 2 weeks from the date of purchase.

  • How do credits work?

    In the case of a company mistake, we arrange for the collection of goods and credit the account upon receipt. If the mistake is on the customer's end, they bear the cost of returning goods. Once the returned goods are received, the credit is activated.

  • Can I get my order quicker with express shipping?

    Express shipping options are currently under consideration, and we will communicate any updates regarding this service.

  • Can HBP provide training for my staff?

    HBP offers professional development (PD) as a service to our customers to enhance staff skills and knowledge of our products.

  • How can I view the resources?

    Samples of resources can be sent upon request to allow customers to preview before making a purchase.

  • Can I arrange a school visit?

    To arrange a school visit, customers can contact us via phone or email, and we will coordinate a suitable appointment or a virtual meeting.

  • How long have the resources been used in schools?

    Some of HBP’s resources have a rich history of over 40 years of successful implementation in schools, varying for individual products.

  • What is the history of HBP?

    Hawker Brownlow Publishing is a new company, but the successor to Hawker Brownlow Education, a trusted name in Australian publishing for many decades, whose name and mission we are proud to carry on. HBP is making proven and reliable HBE resources available to the Australian market once again after their closure in 2023.

  • Have the resources been updated over the years?

    Yes, our resources reflect the most recent updates of books that have in some cases been used successfully for decades.

  • Do the resources support the current curriculum in Australian schools?

    HBP's resources are designed to align seamlessly with common curricula in Australian schools, as they focus on building teacher knowledge and enhancing student experience. Samples are provided upon request so you can see how a particular HBP resource can work for you.

  • How do the resources help teachers?

    Our resources offer valuable tools that assist in student learning and provide essential data for schools to tailor their teaching strategies effectively.

  • How do parents benefit from our resources?

    We cater to home-schooling parents, offering resources that facilitate effective and comprehensive home-based learning.

  • How do level-placement assessments empower student learning?

    Level placements (where applicable to specific products) ensure that students work at their own ability, allowing for differentiated instruction in the classroom. Assessments identify student strengths and weaknesses, guiding personalised learning strategies.

  • Can I see a particular element of a product prior to purchasing?

    Absolutely, customers can request samples or further information by contacting us by phone or email before making a purchase.

  • Do you have a reply-paid address for HBP's mistake/returns?

    We currently do not have a reply-paid address for returns related to mistakes, but we can provide guidance on the return process.

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