CARS & STARS: Alignment with ACARA Reading Comprehension Standards

CARS & STARS: Alignment with ACARA Reading Comprehension Standards

The CARS & STARS program available in both print and online versions provides a comprehensive assessment and instruction tool that aligns closely with the reading comprehension components of the ACARA English standards. Here's how the program demonstrates a student's strengths and weaknesses:

1. Diagnostic Assessment:
  • CARS (Comprehensive Assessment of Reading Strategies) provides an initial diagnostic test that assesses students across 12 core reading comprehension strategies.
  • These strategies align with ACARA's 'Literacy' general capability and the 'Language' and 'Literature' strands of the English curriculum.

2. Detailed Reporting:
  • After the diagnostic test, CARS generates a detailed report showing:
a) Overall reading comprehension level
b) Performance in each of the 12 strategies
c) Comparison to grade-level expectations

3. ACARA Alignment:
The 12 CARS & STARS strategies map to ACARA standards as follows:
  • Finding Main Idea → AC9E7LA01: Analyse how text structures and language features work together in texts to influence audiences and achieve purpose
  • Recalling Facts and Details → AC9E7LY02: Use comprehension strategies when listening, viewing, and reading to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information
  • Understanding Sequence → AC9E7LA01: Analyse how text structures and language features work together in texts to influence audiences and achieve purpose
  • Recognising Cause and Effect → AC9E7LY02: Use comprehension strategies when listening, viewing, and reading to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information
  • Comparing and Contrasting → AC9E7LY03: Analyse and evaluate the ways that text structures and language features vary according to the purpose of the text and the ways that referenced sources add authority to a text
  • Making Predictions → AC9E7LY02: Use comprehension strategies when listening, viewing, and reading to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information
  • Finding Word Meaning in Context → AC9E7LA03: Identify and describe how texts are structured differently depending on their purpose and how language features vary in texts
  • Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences → AC9E7LY02: Use comprehension strategies when listening, viewing, and reading to interpret, analyse and synthesise ideas and information
  • Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion → AC9E7LY05: Use comprehension strategies such as visualising, predicting, connecting, summarising, monitoring, questioning and inferring to analyse and summarise information and ideas
  • Identifying Author's Purpose → AC9E7LA01: Analyse how text structures and language features work together in texts to influence audiences and achieve purpose
  • Interpreting Figurative Language → AC9E7LE03: Explain the ways that literary devices and language features such as dialogue, and images are used to create character, and to influence emotions and opinions in different types of texts
  • Distinguishing Between Real and Make-believe → AC9E7LE01: Identify and explore ideas, points of view, characters, events and/or issues in literary texts, drawn from historical, social and/or cultural contexts, by First Nations Australian, and wide-ranging Australian and world authors
    4. Targeted Instruction:
    • Ongoing assessments within STARS track student progress in each strategy.
    • This allows for continuous monitoring of growth in relation to ACARA standards.

    5. Progress Monitoring:

    • Ongoing assessments within STARS track student progress in each strategy.
    • This allows for continuous monitoring of growth in relation to ACARA standards.

    6. Comprehensive Reporting:

    • Teachers receive detailed reports showing:
    a) Individual student progress
    b) Class-wide trends
    c) Areas of strength and weakness across ACARA-aligned reading comprehension skills

    7. Data-Driven Instruction:
    • The program's reports enable teachers to make informed decisions about instruction, aligning with ACARA's emphasis on evidence-based teaching practices.

    By utilising CARS & STARS, educators can efficiently identify and address students' reading comprehension strengths and weaknesses as they relate to ACARA standards. This data-driven approach ensures that instruction is tailored to meet both individual student needs and curriculum requirements. 


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